Contents – We need all contents for these pages (in Microsoft Word format): Home, About Us, FAQ, Contact, Testimonials, Services, Products (optional), Special offer (optional), Find us (optional); more specifically:
- Home: short summary of your business, welcome note and/or short welcome video message.
- About Us: who you are, where are you based, what you specialize in, how many years in business (experience), any certifications or qualifications to support it (if applicable); short bio.
- FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions regarding services, payments and business specific questions based on your experience.
- Contact: your contact information- phone, email (we will setup info@yoursite), address.
- Testimonials: any past happy client testimonials, you may need to contact them as testimonials are vital and critical ways to build rapport and trust through your site.
- Services: what are the main services that you offer – need to be specific and descriptive (what are people likely to look for when searching for your business); eg: mobile personal training, one on one training, group training. Please write a few sentences on each service.
- Products: basic products page with ability to sell via Paypal. (Note: full shopping cart functionality is available at extra cost)
- Special offer: you may have a seasonal or limited offer you want to promote.
- Find us: send us your address and we will include a map on this page so people can easily find you.